Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad's Codes and Policies

Code of Conduct
The Code describes the Company's expectations for the standards of professional conduct while doing business on behalf of the Company, and acts as a code of reference to assist the decision-making.
Encompasses issues ranging from the environment, human rights, product quality, and business transactions.

Whistleblower Policy
The Policy provides a safe space for employees to report any inappropriate conduct within Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad.
The Policy ensures that whistle-blowers are protected from potential reprisals and corrective and preventive measures can be implemented in the event of confirmed misconduct.

Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy
The Policy outlines Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad's zero tolerance for Board members, employees, and business associates to engage in improper solicitation, bribery, and other corrupt actions in line with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009.

Director's Fit and Proper Policy
The Policy outlines the baseline criteria for the fit and proper review and assessment of candidates' appointment to the Board or the re-election of Directors.
The Company's policies are reviewed periodically or upon the announcement of new updates, to ensure alignment with the latest government mandates. The Whistleblower Policy, Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy are also communicated to 100% of employees periodically, especially to new employees during on-boarding programmes.
Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad has also adopted a proactive approach to identify, assess and address any potential corruption risk in all our operations. Our Risk Management Committee conducts annual Risk Management Assessments and the findings will be discussed every quarter with the top management and reported to the Board.