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We are dedicated to sustainable waste management in Malaysia and have adopted the 4R strategy of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover. Implementing the 4R strategy involves sort and separate waste at its source, ensuring proper labelling and facilitating recycling processes. As such, our waste segregation facilities consist of recycled waste for recycling and treatment centres, other municipal solid waste for authorised sanitary landfills and scheduled waste (including e-waste and chemical waste) managed by licensed third-party contractors. This scheduled waste is generated from maintenance, our Quality Control (QC) laboratory and Research and Development (R&D) activity.

Recycle Ratio From the Waste Generated

We have achieved 87% recycle ratio from total Solid Waste
management (including Scheduled Waste and Non-Scheduled Waste)

Solid Waste Management

Reducing Food Loss

Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad's is committed to reducing food loss to landfills to avoid wastage of natural resources. The focus will be throughout our supply chain processes by minimising the generation of food loss and utilising the un-avoided generation as sub-raw materials for animal feed production and fertiliser manufacturing.

We are driven to reduce plastic waste across our operations. Our goal is to minimise plastic usage in product packaging and accelerate our transition towards a circular economy and sustainable development.


Our plastic waste reduction initiatives include:
1) Increasing the recyclability of plastic and packaging materials
2) Reducing plastic generation by implementing measures
3) Embracing the EPR framework in collaboration with the MAREA to enhance the collection and recycling rate of our packaging materials for our sold products 

Read More on Reducing Plastic Waste


Effluent Waste Management

We are cognisant of the potential environmental impact of our wastewater discharge. As such, we conduct rigorous monitoring and tracking of our effluent to ensure stringent adherence to discharged water quality standards and local government regulations.

Read More on Waste Management

Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad's Wastewater
Treatment Plant (WWTP)

We always control the wastewater generated by our operations and ensure that the generated wastewater has been treated efficiently according to the Standard A discharge quality requirements.