The Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value

The Ajinomoto Group continues to address global social issues across the value chain and has always aimed to solving them through a wide ranging business portfolio focused on food and Amino science. Its success lies in creating values together with local communities and wider society. The group has named this philosophy at the heart of its business: the Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value (ASV). The business domains are guided by the aspirations of the Ajinomoto Founders, which is “Eat Well, Live Well.” and it has been growing rapidly worldwide.

ASV Value Creation Model

ASV creates a virtuous cycle (the ASV cycle) that reinvests the economic value created by resolving social issues through the Group’s business activities in future business activities, which in turn contributes to the further resolution of social issues. In this way, ASV represents a strategic initiative for realizing sustainable growth. Through the ongoing implementation of the ASV cycle, the Group will enhance corporate value by accumulating value into corporate brand.
